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Don't miss a moment of dart action at Darts-Control! Here you'll find our comprehensive schedule with all our upcoming events. From weekly tournaments to special events – we offer you the chance to be part of a vibrant dart experience. Browse through our diverse events, mark your favorites, and be there when the dart community comes together to celebrate passion and skill. Stay up-to-date with our current and upcoming dates to make sure you don’t miss any highlight!

BAWAG Hot Friday 20. Spieltag

Be part of the 12th Hot Friday season powered by BAWAG! This tournament is all about one thing from the very first moment – hitting the double fields! It’s a weekly tournament held (almost) every Friday, giving you the opportunity to train and improve your finishing skills under competitive conditions! You can join the series on any matchday, and everyone is welcome to participate. The format is 170DO, and the entry fee is €5.00. Doors open at 6:00 PM on each matchday, registration closes at 7:15 PM, and the tournament starts promptly at 7:30 PM. For more information and details, check out our rulebook.

D-C Februar Equalizer

Our monthly tournament, held on the first Monday of every month, offers a unique format: each player starts with an individual number based on their yearly league average. Even non-league players are welcome and will start with 401 points. The highlight? We level the playing field to ensure everyone has an equal chance to win. Get ready for an evening of fairness and intense competition! Doors open at 6:00 PM, registration closes at 7:15 PM, and the tournament kicks off at 7:30 PM. Entry fee: €5.00.